Flower Store In a Box Florist Software allows florists to sell over the Internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
What are the sort of features that florists need that are available right out of the box with Flower Store In a Box Software?
But it's not just what the front end of your website looks like it's also how easy the software is to manage your website and your orders!
Wev'e built an easy to use online software that allows you to view and page and edit the age or content at just the click of the button, you don't have to search loads of plain text lines, it's exactly the same as surfing your website.
Order Management has been designed in the online software for florists to use with the classic workflow of an online florist from:
At each stage of the process an additional email can be sent to the customer telling them what's happening.
Why not contact us now to discuss how Flower Store In a Box can assist you?
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