Over the last twenty years the floristry industry has undergone a seismic shift from multiple small florists in every town and suburb turning over a small but comfortable living for their owners. To a dramatic decline in the number of florists as the Order Gatherers, Cheap Cut Flowers in Supermarkets, convenience stores and Petrol stations all take the market share away from the traditional florist.
However it’s not just the abundance of cheap flowers in supermarkets and the order gatherers that have caused this shift.
The internet has created an entire new market and online floristry has been at the forefront of ecommerce for decades.
If you want to survive as a florist you need to embrace ecommerce, and you need to do it well. Customers expect that they can google your florists name and order from you online. They also expect that they will have a seamless experience, that the site will accept a credit card and it’s as good experience or even better than the relay networks.
Customers will simply go to the next website from Google if they can’t order online from you. Whilst a percentage of customers will call to order from you they still expect to see the products online with prices and perversely a way to order online.
If all you have is a Facebook Page you are truly missing out on business! Please expect a florist has an ecommerce website that they can order from 24 hours a day 7 days a week!
Why not contact us now to discuss how Flower Store In a Box can assist you?
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