Your Product Catalogue

How many products can I have in my product catalogue?

Depending on the package you have chosen there are limits to the number of products you may have on your website.  The Starter Package only allows a maximum of 50 products, all other are unlimited.

How many product Categories can I have?

The starter site has limited categories however all other packages are unlimited however try to limit it so your customers can easily order your flowers and other products online.

How many Product Images can I have?

You can have one Main product image and if you have a premium or above package you can upload more images of an individual product and images for each colour selection of the product

Can I mark products as out of stock?

Yes you can make a product "out of stock" and it will no longer be available for ordering on your website.

What about special holidays like Valentines Day, Christmas, Mother's Day?

You can turn these holidays on and off so the products only appear when the event is coming up, and not display them when they are not in use.

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